Read below to discover the 3-second “color test” that tells you how fresh (or how rotten) the cooking oil in your kitchen is…
And why over 5,623 Americans are now calling this smooth, buttery dark green oil the freshest and best-tasting cooking oil in the world. 1-4
Dear Food Lover;
What color is the cooking oil in your kitchen?
If it’s yellow…
You’re probably eating spoiled, rancid oil recycled from garbage waste…
The truth is: if you saw how your cooking oil is made…
And smelled what it’s made from…
You’d never cook your food with it again.
(Yes, these are actual pictures from inside a cooking oil factory)
The oil is refined from production waste normally meant for the garbage…
And it smells awful - like raw sewage.
But cooking oil companies hide the spoiled, rancid smell by heating the oil to 475° F and “bleaching” it with toxic chemicals like sodium hydroxide (also known as caustic lye).
They call this process “deodorization”…
And it gives the oil its yellow color. 5
The horrifying truth is:
Most Americans are totally unaware that food companies use this process to cut down on costs…
And turn inedible waste into profits by selling it to YOU as food for your dinner table.
So if any of these yellow “supermarket oils” are in your kitchen right…
… read on.
Because you’re probably used to nagging aches and other health issues that won’t go away…
You’re used to going on diet after diet and not seeing the scale budge.
All of this may just seem like a part of getting older…
But as you’ll see today, it’s not.
If you’re not sure who or what to blame…
Look no further than the yellow poison in your kitchen. 6-10
Because most Americans have no clue what real fresh-pressed cooking oil looks (or tastes) like.
This dark green oil is the best-tasting cooking oil in the world.
Instead of being pressed from waste products, where high heat and chemicals strips the oil of all odor, flavor, and nutrients…
This green oil is cold-pressed from a “super-fruit” right off the tree.
Unlike wine, cooking oil loses flavor over time.
So when you taste oil like this right after it’s pressed… the difference in flavor is astonishing.
This oil is so fresh, it pours out of the bottle dark green with all its natural vitamins and minerals…
It’s outrageously smooth & buttery…
Yet slightly nutty at the same time.
It’s so rich and creamy, it’s like green butter straight from the heavens…
And it makes salads, steaks, toast - ANYTHING you put it on - taste delicious.
It all makes this delicious superfood oil one of the rarest and highest-quality cooking oils on earth…
Yet you won’t find it in your local grocery store…
Or even at Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods.
In just a moment, I’ll reveal what this dark green superfood oil is.
I’ll share the eye-opening story of the biochemist who went from size 40 jeans to size 32 by ditching vegetable oils and going on a croissant diet. 24-26
I’ll reveal the shocking data behind how yellow cooking oils led to a 32-FOLD increase in rates of obesity, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes in America. 23
Finally, I’ll answer the #1 question you should be asking if you’re trying to eat healthy:
If you’re a health-conscious person, take a moment to read this letter in full…
Because it may be the most important letter of your life.
Your cooking oil is the #1 staple of your diet.
Every piece of home-cooked food you and your loved ones eat is coated in it.
Don’t you think you should at least know what’s inside?
I named the company after my daughter, Ava Jane. Together with Amy, my wife, they’re my family…
My life purpose.
My journey has brought me to amazing places like:
Panama, where my wife, Amy surfed incredible waves on both sides of the country
Beautiful French vineyards sitting on idyllic hillsides
Morocco’s beautiful coastline of ocean waves crashing into rolling sand dunes
Adventurous safaris in Botswana filled with lions, giraffes, and elephants
And more…
When I travel, there’s a part of me that always has my eye out for the most amazing, delicious foods I can bring back and share with the world.
Ever since my wife Amy and I had our daughter Ava Jane, we loved taking family vacations to the southwest coast of Mexico.
Our favorite spot was Sayulita, a region filled with warm blue water, incredible culture, and some of the best home-grown food we’ve ever tasted.
As a family, we’d surf, play on the beach, and then gorge ourselves on fresh fish, tacos, and coconuts.
We fell in love with the place.
In 2015, we moved to Sayulita and began raising our daughter Ava Jane there…
In a paradise we now get to call our home.
Like many Americans, I knew little about how cooking oils were made…
Until I met a stranger from New Zealand in Mexico.
My friend and I were stuffing our faces with piles of tacos, salsa, fresh fish, and guacamole.
We were supposed to be chatting about business…
But every few minutes I would make a face and moan, “Oh my Gawd… this is SOO GOOD. How do they make it taste so flavorful?”
At that moment, a mysterious stranger with a thick New Zealand accent leaned over and asked…
“Hey, are you guys on a sales trip or something?”
He said his name was Andrew, and that he was trying to bring the best tasting cooking oil in the world to the USA.
According to him, it wasn’t extra virgin olive oil…
It wasn’t coconut oil…
And it certainly wasn’t any of the dull, flavorless yellow oils you find on supermarket shelves.
He reached into his backpack and handed me a mysterious dark green bottle.
I was skeptical… but no harm in trying, I figured.
To start, we grilled some fresh fish with it on the BBQ.
I added some lime and salt, popped some in my mouth and the moment it hit my tongue, my world changed.
The flavor exploded in my mouth.
This dark green cooking oil was so smooth… so creamy.
And just like regular butter, it made everything taste better!
I sat there, stunned… lost in a world of flavors.
Suddenly, it clicked.
This was the same rich flavor I was trying to place at the taco stand!
I started drizzling this dark green oil on everything.
We dipped fresh bread in it along with a little salt and pepper.
We poured it over a spinach salad as dressing.
My wife and my daughter couldn’t get enough!
Within a week, that dark green bottle was empty.
“It’s not what’s inside the oil, mate…
This is what real cooking oil tastes like.
You’re used to what EVERY OTHER COOKING OIL tastes like…
Which is nothing!”
Andrew spoke in riddles.
Instead of answering my question, he told me a story.
His story took me down a dark rabbit hole of corporate greed that made me drop my jaw in shock…
And gag from disgust.
But ultimately, his story made me cry tears of joy because it gave my business purpose and changed my life forever.
To understand this story, take a look at this picture:
At first glance, you may be thinking…
“Oh look, this nice old lady is doing the neighborhood a favor by cleaning out the local sewers!”
Actually, she’s harvesting cooking oil.
These pictures were taken from a “gutter oil” scandal in China where restaurants cut costs by recycling used cooking oil from garbage bins and sewers. 27, 28
In 2021, hot pot restaurants in the Chengdu province were fined more than 13 million yuan ($1.9 million USD)… 27, 28
But the sewer oil they used in their food had already made thousands of people sick.
Why am I telling you this?
Because the horrifying truth is:
Most cooking oils do not come from food you actually want to eat…
They’re processed from inedible waste products. 11-12
For example: grapeseed oil is made from inedible seeds leftover from grapes after the winemaking process.
Cottonseed oil is made from the cotton seeds leftover from T-shirt making.
(Can you imagine eating a T-shirt? Yuck!)
Yet big oil companies turn these toxic products into cooking oil - and the process is brutal.
To get just 8 ounces of grapeseed oil, you need over 2000 pounds of grapes…
Equal to the weight of a Toyota Camry. 29
For big oil companies, it’s worth it because these byproducts would otherwise go to waste - and they’re making a profit instead.
Here’s what the process looks like: 5
First, farmers collect the seeds and ship them off to the processing plant.
A conveyor belt feeds these seeds into a giant hydraulic press, which uses intense heat and pressure to squeeze oil out of these tiny seeds.
The remaining “seed cake” or “canola cake” gets spit out the back of the machine.
Then, more oil is extracted from the “seed cake” by washing it with hexane (a chemical made from crude oil).
"This is what Hexane is made from!"
Next, the oil enters the “refining phase” where it’s washed with NaOH (Sodium Hydroxide), also known as lye or caustic soda.
"This is what NaOH Looks Like"
After this “neutralization” process, the oil is clearer - but it still contains waxes that make it cloudy.
The next step is to cool the oil to 5° C, which thickens the waxes so they can be squeezed out.
At this point, the oil is rancid, spoiled, and smells absolutely awful.
So the factory bleaches it to lighten the color, and then blasts it with steam and heat to remove the rancid odor.
After all of this, the oil is ready to get shipped to supermarket shelves. 5
Virtually all the “yellow cooking oils” you see on supermarket shelves are made like this.
For example:
Canola oil is squeezed from rapeseeds, which was used as diesel fuel before food companies learned they could sell it as cooking oil. 30
Corn oil, vegetable oil, and soybean oil are made from the byproducts of the 2 cheapest-to-produce mass market crops available:
GMO corn and GMO soybeans (both of which are so unhealthy, they’re banned in 19 European countries). 2
Palm oil is made from palm seeds, which are insanely cheap to produce (it uses 10 times less land to produce the same amount of oil as the soybean plant). 31
When it comes to the most yellow cooking oils, the pattern is clear for big food corporations:
It makes me sick to my stomach.
Food industry insiders call these products “RBD oils” - which stands for Refined, Bleached, and Deodorized… 29
A process that leaves the oils bland… flavorless… and dull.
And I’m sure if you’re a health-conscious person, you’ll agree with me here…
There’s absolutely no way we’re meant to eat something that takes a million steps involving toxic chemicals in a factory to create.
It’s NOT food.
You may know that if you leave meat out on the counter for too long, it spoils and turns gray.
Well, the same thing happens to the fat molecules inside oil.
And there’s one thing that makes fat spoil WAY faster:
Heat. 11-12
You see, normal fat molecules are actually healthy for you. 13-21
(That’s why the keto diet - one of the most popular and effective diets right now - is based on eating more fat.)
But these oils go through several rounds of being blasted with intense heat up to 500° F…
(Which is TWICE as hot as the deep fryer at McDonalds.) 32
This causes many of the fat molecules to mutate and spoil.
You may have heard of:
Yellow “supermarket oils” are filled with these toxic compounds…
And there are pages and pages of studies that confirm this: 13-21
These spoiled, rancid fats can stay in your body for years…
Which could explain why it’s so hard to lose weight in today’s world.
Take a look at beach pictures from the early 1900s…
Back then, people cooked with animal products like butter, lard, and beef tallow…
And as you can see, they were generally healthy.
Only 1.2% of the population was obese or overweight.
Heart disease, cancer, and diabetes were nearly non-existent. 11, 12, 23
Everything changed when companies realized they could replace actual food ingredients with these “waste oils”…
Cut down on production costs…
And no one could taste the difference.
So they snuck vegetable oils into mayonnaise… salad dressing… granola bars… everything.
Just walk down your supermarket aisle and take a look:
Yellow “supermarket oils” are in everything!
That’s not even the worst of it.
Even bottles labeled “extra virgin” and “packed in Italy” were diluted.
A study out of University of California Davis also found that 82% of avocado oils on American shelves were either rancid or mixed with yellow “waste oils.”
They even found 3 cases where bottles labeled as “pure” or “extra virgin” avocado oil contained nearly 100% soybean oil! 3
As vegetable oils became more popular…
People got fatter and sicker.
Americans went from eating ZERO vegetable oils in 1865…
To eating 720 calories of vegetable oils daily in 2023… 23, 35
Which means:
Today, a THIRD of your calories comes from vegetable oil… 23, 35
Which is horrible…
Because a study out of the National Institute Of Health discovered that each teaspoon of vegetable oil you eat increases your risk of death as much as smoking 2 cigarettes…
Which means eating a meal cooked in vegetable oil could have the same effect on your health as chain smoking 20+ cigarettes in a single sitting. 36-37
Sound unbelievable?
The data doesn’t lie:
When vegetable oils hit the American food supply in the mid 20th century, rates of obesity, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes SKYROCKETED: 23
And you may be thinking…
“But don’t we eat more carbs? Isn’t that to blame?”
Well actually…
Brad Marshall came up with the idea after learning about how French people stay skinny despite eating 1200 calories a day of white flour, white sugar, and potatoes.
His theory was that body fat came from vegetable oils - NOT flour and sugar.
So he tested his theory by scouring nutrition labels and staying away from all yellow “waste oils”.
Turns out, he made croissants 20 years earlier at the French Culinary Institute…
So he kept up the tradition and ate croissants daily - he just replaced the vegetable oils with healthy alternatives.
In 4 weeks, he went from size 40 to size 32 jeans…
And he felt confident enough to take a shirtless selfie: 24-26, 38
The story was widely published across multiple health food podcasts.
The message he kept repeating?
Vegetable oils are worse for your waistline than carbs. 37, 38
Here’s the bottom line:
When I discovered all this…
The first thing I did was go home and throw out every yellow cooking oil in my kitchen.
I sat there shocked.
You see, my health (and the health of my family) is the most important thing in my life.
If you don’t have your health… what do you have?
So I called Andrew up - the New Zealander crazy about cooking oil.
I needed to know the answer to one question.
If I couldn’t cook with vegetable oils… extra virgin olive oil… or store-bought avocado oil…
What should I cook with?
In the following days, I learned more about this dark green oil.
Not just about the rich, buttery taste or the incredible health benefits…
But about the unique cold-pressing process he used to turn a superfood grown on a tree into the freshest cooking oil in the world.
The more I learned, the more I knew…
I had to help Andrew bring this amazing cooking oil to the world.
So my business, Ava Jane’s Kitchen, and I partnered with him.
We moved to bring one of the world’s first cold-pressed avocado oils from Mexico to the US.
Today, you have a chance to try some of this amazing oil for yourself, straight from the heart of Mexico:
Why Avocados?
Because cooking oil is like a fruit salad.
The end result is only as good as the quality of ingredients.
Unlike other cooking oils on supermarket shelves made from inedible seeds…
And unlike butter or lard made from factory cows pumped full of hormones…
Our avocado oil is made from a smooth, buttery superfood.
Every bottle has the oil cold-pressed from 20 perfectly ripe avocados - that’s why it comes out dark green.
There’s no vegetable oil added to dilute it…
No heat, chemicals, or refinement…
And nothing else added…
Just pure, perfectly ripe green avocado meat pressed into fresh oil…
With all the vitamins, nutrients, and minerals still intact.
Try grilling salmon with it…
Add Colima Sea Salt, lemon, roasted garlic, and asparagus, and you have a rich, tasty dinner seasoned to perfection.
Or how about drizzling our avocado oil on a watermelon, feta, and avocado salad?
The oil accentuates the sweet, smooth flavors…
Once you try it, you’ll agree: it’s delicious.M
How about pan roasting chicken, potatoes, and spinach with our oil for an amazing hearty meal?
Health nuts love putting this “green butter” on their sourdough toast…
In their cherry and tomato salads…
Or even on their turkey sandwiches with honey mustard…
Because just like real butter, it makes everything taste better.
At the same time, it’s incredibly healthy for you.
On top of that…
Out of anything you cook with (including butter, lard, vegetable oil, extra virgin olive oil, or coconut oil)…
Avocado oil has the highest smoke point of them all. 43
The smoke point is the temperature at which your cooking oil starts smoking in the pan…
This is when the oil breaks down and forms damaging, unhealthy compounds.
Which makes AJK avocado oil perfect for:
So what separates Ava Jane’s Kitchen from other avocado oil brands?
Take another look at this video…
It shows the difference between competitor avocado oils (to the left) and ours (to the right):
As you can see, most avocado oil companies dilute their products with yellow waste oils…
Because they have to.
When it comes to producing high-quality avocado oil, location is everything.
Oil loses flavor, spoils, and goes rancid over time…
So the longer the oil sits on a supermarket shelf or a cargo ship…
The more these companies have to dilute and refine it to increase shelf life.
Unfortunately, it also means you get dull, bland low-quality oil.
Most avocados are grown in places like New Zealand, South America, and Southeast Asia…
Many of which are too far away to get fresh-pressed avocado oil to the states.
And unfortunately, the climate in California is too dry…
Which means avocados there (and in most places) can only be harvested once a year.
Again, this means companies have to dilute or refine the oil to increase shelf life.
That’s why we planted our beautiful avocado orchard in Mexico…
Near a farming town called Ciudad Guzman.
This region truly has the best possible climate for harvesting avocados year round…
Where everything is green, vibrant, and alive.
It’s humid, tropical, and avocado trees LOVE the climate there.
In this orchard, you’ll find the best avocados in the world.
When my family and I visited for the first time…
We were greeted by Jesús, a sharp man dressed in jeans who was the orchard’s head of operations.
Avocados were his life.
Jesús grew up helping out in his father’s orchard.
After getting an advanced science degree in agriculture, he got a job here at this orchard, where he’s been working for the last 6 years.
“It’s not just me though,” Jesús told us, “Everyone is highly qualified here.”
To Ava’s delight, we all piled into the back of his pickup truck, and he drove us through endless rows of ripe, green avocado trees.
This one orchard covered over 445 acres (that’s more than 337 football fields) and had over 17,000 trees!
As we drove, Jesús shared:
“You’ve got to have the right fruit… the right process… and the right technology,” Jesús said.
He walked over to a tree, plucked an avocado off, and handed it to me.
“We start with the best avocados.
Unlike other avocado oil companies, we leave fallen avocados on the ground.
If they’re rotten or bruised, we toss them out.
If they’ve fallen to the ground, we don’t use them.
You can use unripe fruit… or overripe fruit… or bruised and damaged fruit. But it just won’t turn out the same.
So we make sure each avocado is just at the point of perfect ripeness before we process it. Not a moment earlier. Not a moment after.
That way, we maintain the highest possible fruit quality while keeping our oil free of pesticides and chemicals on the ground.
Because the climate here is perfect for avocado trees, our orchards can afford to do this where other companies can’t.”
Next, Jesús brought us to the pressing facility.
As we walked in, we put on booties, hairnets, and wiped our shoes down with a special hospital-grade cleaner.
Finally, we washed our hands with soap.
We walk through a set of doors, and I see a facility that’s as clean as a high-end medical lab.
Most companies press the entire avocado, including the skin, pit, and ones with bruised or rotten meat…
Which leads to low-grade oil that the factory needs to heat and refine.
In our Ava Jane’s Kitchen facility, machines separate the meat of the avocado from the skin and the pits…
So we only press the buttery green meat.
This avocado meat is passed into a machine that presses the fruit into oil COLD…
(They don’t have to use heat or chemicals because they’re not extracting oil from seed waste… they’re pressing real, high-quality fruit.)
The only thing that goes into each bottle is the buttery green meat from 20 perfectly ripe avocados…
No chemicals, no additives, and nothing added to dilute it.
As a result, the oil is dark green, full of all the natural chlorophyll, vitamins, and nutrients of the fruit.
If you ever see cooking oil sold to you in clear, plastic jugs - RUN.
Oil breaks down with heat, oxygen, and light…
Which is why we pour our oil in dark green bottles.
After that, it gets sent out straight to your kitchen (and never to a supermarket shelf).
Making avocado oil this way is more expensive than how most cooking oil companies do it…
But to us, it’s worth it to keep our avocado oil high quality…
So our raving fans can truly enjoy the wonder of fresh-pressed avocado oil.
That’s why:
When it comes to taste, freshness, and health benefits, AJK Avocado Oil is in a league of its own…
There’s simply no comparison.
This oil is incredibly versatile.
Try it with Mahi Mahi - pan seared on the stove with salt and lemon.
Dip fresh bread in it…
Grill a delicious steak with it and toss it over some asparagus…
Or make a tasty salad by drizzling it over lettuce, artichoke hearts, fresh cucumbers, and raisins.
It even goes great on vanilla bean ice cream! (They actually use avocado oil for this in Brazil)
The great thing about AJK avocado oil is that it’s got such a smooth, delicate flavor that it goes with everything really.
It doesn’t overpower your food at all.
Give it a try and I guarantee…
One taste, and you’ll fall in love.
Just take a look at what our fans have to say:
Robyn Cummings Verified Buyer
United States
“I can’t believe the difference this avocado oil makes in and on all the foods we have used it on. I have had great customer service as well. I plan to stay with Ava Jane’s Kitchen as long as they will let me.”
Nancy Horton Verified Buyer
United States
“The avocado oil is so good - and good for me - I confess to eating way too much French bread to dip it in! I have even dipped pretzels and tortilla chips in the oil. Delish!”
Helen McCarey Verified Buyer
United States
“I recently received Ava Jane’s Kitchen’s new offering of their Avocado Oil. Absolutely to DIE for!!! Completely used up already and can hardly wait for my next order to arrive. Keep up the excellent offerings.”
WaterGoddess Verified Buyer
United States
“I LOVE my Ava Jane’s Avocado Oil. I started out saving it for special occasions, but now I use for everything. Love the taste, love the way it heats.”
These are all from REAL customers who’ve fallen in love with our dark green avocado oil.
The avocado harvest in Mexico happens nearly year round.
However, there are certain “peak windows” where the avocados have a particularly high amount of excellent fats in them.
We just had a bountiful harvest season…
The avocados were so bright, green, and buttery, I wanted to eat them all on the spot!
The lab tests are showing this batch has an incredible profile of healthy fats…
And I’m so excited for you to give our avocado oil a try.
It truly is a joy that not many Americans get to experience.
Because of our great harvest, we are running a special limited-time offer…
Where you can save 10% to secure your supply of avocado oil for the next few months.
It takes about 18-20 perfectly ripe avocados to make one of our bottles of extra-virgin avocado oil - that’s the equivalent to around $40 per bottle.
That’s not including the cost of bottling and production.
However, you won’t pay nearly that much today.
Because we’ve cut out the middle man, we’re able to let you ship these bottles to you at a discount.
Take a look below to see what you prefer…
When you’re ready, click one of the buttons below to snag your bottles of fresh-pressed avocado oil now.
Quite simply, try out our Avocado Oil for 30 days.
If you don’t totally fall in love with it…
Just send us an email at in the next 30 days for a full refund. No need to ship anything back, they’re/it’s yours to keep.
So go ahead and try out our Avocado Oil today.
This guarantee is valid for 30 days after you receive the product.
Here’s the thing - most men & women grab the 2 or 4 bottle option…
And they choose the “subscribe & save” option for a few reasons.
Remember the Cornell University biochemist who tossed out all his vegetable oils and then lost 8 jean sizes with the croissant diet?
When you start cooking with AJK Avocado Oil, I predict you’ll start feeling better - a LOT better.
Your aches will ease…
Your health markers may improve.
You may even sleep better and lose a few pounds without trying!
That all takes time - and the more AJK Avocado Oil you eat, the more of that you’re likely to see.
If you’re cooking regularly, you’ll go through about a bottle a month - so that’s a great starting point.
Over the long run, you can save up to $40 a year without having to go through the hassle of reordering every time you run out of oil.
This ensures you never have to resort to any yellow “supermarket oils” to cook with if you run out. (YUCK!)
We’ll make sure to set aside a few premium bottles just for you every time your reorder date comes up.
We’ll send you an email notification so you don’t get surprised.
And here’s the best part:
You can cancel or pause your subscription at any time - for any reason.
Just respond to the email or contact us at and we’ll help you with your request FAST.
I believe in sharing the joy of fresh-pressed avocado oil with the world.
It’s why I do what I do…
And it’s what makes Ava Jane’s Kitchen so special.
So when you fall in love with it, feel free to share it with your friends and family so THEY can be saved from low-quality oils, too.
At this point, I want to get real with you.
I can’t imagine you’d ever want to cook with yellow cooking oils again… right?
Feel free to do your own research on the web to just how toxic these oils are - all the citations and the studies I reference are below, at the bottom of this page.
You’ll be just as horrified as I was.
And if you’re like me, you’ll have a deep distrust of any olive oils or avocado oils with the words “fresh-pressed” or “extra virgin” on the bottle.
Whatever you choose… watch out for these warning signs on your cooking oil:
If you’re ever unsure…
Remember: color doesn’t lie.
The more yellow your cooking oil is, the more diluted, refined, spoiled, rancid, and poisonous it is.
The greener it is, the fresher and healthier your oil is.
You can let us take the guesswork out of it.
Grab a few bottles of our premium Ava Jane’s Kitchen Avocado Oil below and enjoy the freshest…
Best-tasting cooking oil in the world, straight from our beautiful Mexican orchard today.
When it arrives, cook that night’s dinner in it.
Taste the smooth, creamy, buttery flavor.
Fill dinnertime with the joy and nostalgia of fresh ingredients and home-cooked meals…
And know that with Ava Jane’s Kitchen, you’re cooking with real food and not recycled waste.
So what are you waiting for?
Click one of the buttons below to grab your supply today.
I can’t wait to hear your story!
Thanks for reading, and all the best.
- John Cawrse
Yes. Feel free to look around on the internet and do your own research.
The majority of cooking oils on supermarket shelves are spoiled, rancid, and low-grade - especially:
These oils are yellow because they go through a high-heat extraction process that turns the fat molecules inside spoiled and rancid…
And you don’t smell this because they bleach and deodorize the oils with chemicals.
Click here to see the process in action (but prepare to be horrified).
Ava Jane’s Kitchen Cold-Pressed Avocado Oil is the only cold-pressed avocado oil available in America that is made with avocados hand-picked by skilled harvesters in the Guzman family orchard in Mexico.
We take extra care to separate the green meat from the avocado skin and pit using an advanced process, a process that other avocado oil companies are not willing to undertake.
Most companies simply cold press the entire fruit, including the skin, pit, and even spoiled flesh.
Each bottle contains the nourishment of 20 avocados, making it a true treasure trove.
Crafted for lasting freshness, our oil is safeguarded in a dark bottle to shield against the 3 enemies of oil: light, heat, and air.
Ava Jane’s Kitchen Cold-Pressed Avocado Oil is full of essential fatty acids, antioxidants, Vitamin E and monounsaturated fats. It is a heart-healthy oil that supports the immune system and can reduce inflammation, belly fat, as well as improve digestion and energy levels. It is naturally cholesterol-free and sodium-free, making it a perfect choice for those watching their dietary restrictions.
It also has a high smoke point, (480°F) meaning it can be heated to relatively high temperatures without losing its nutritional benefits or giving off an unpleasant smell. This makes it perfect for sautéing, baking, roasting, and marinating.
Yes, Ava Jane’s Kitchen Cold-Pressed Avocado Oil is safe for consumption. It is 100% natural and unrefined, free of additives, and preservatives. We are also committed to producing only the highest quality oil, so you can be sure that it is free of rancidity, adulteration and oxidation.
No, Ava Jane’s Kitchen Cold-Pressed Avocado Oil does not contain other oils like safflower oil, sunflower seed oil, or soybean oil mixed in. It is 100% pure, unrefined cold pressed avocado oil.
No, Ava Jane’s Kitchen Cold-Pressed Avocado Oil does not contain any genetically modified ingredients. We are committed to providing only the highest quality, all-natural ingredients.
Ava Jane’s Kitchen Cold-Pressed Avocado Oil should be stored in a cool, dark place. It should also be sealed tightly to ensure that it remains fresh. Each bottle will keep for at least 2 years unopened. Once opened, we recommend using the oil within 45 days although if stored away from light and oxygen, it will stay fresh longer.
If you’re ready to enjoy… grab your order today!